"Village Seal"

What to do when stopped by the police

The "Village Seal" goes near the rear license plate and on the inside windshield on the driver's side.


 Click here to watch the video.

The mission of The Village of a Thousand Elders is to create a sense of personal responsibility,

reset assumptions about skin color and increase respect in the community.  We seek to reduce racial biases and assumptions in all areas of our community.  We recognize that government programs and laws have limitations.  Therefore, to the glory of Jesus Christ, we seek to do in our community what laws and programs can't do. 

Our Mission


Our mission is to reduce racial biases by challenging assumptions based on skin color alone.  


1. To work with pastors, congregations and individuals to help citizens take personal responsibility for their own lives.


2. To work with those who provide public goods, services and safety to pause their assumptions based on skin color.


3. To immediately increase the respect between citizens and the police - specifically within church-located communities in which they patrol, serve, and protect.


4. To develop a better community based  on good citizenship, respect and cooperation.  

Our Standard and Symbol "The Village Seal"


ZYX-ABC is the standard, symbol and seal of The Village of a Thousand Elders. 

ZYX-ABC is the alphabet forward & backwards -

symbolizing learning and mastery of any subject. 

"The Elders Know Me"

ZYX-ABC Wristband

We reduce racial biases by providing a "Village Seal" symbol “ZYX-ABC” to catch one’s attention and pause assumptions.  The ZYX-ABC wristband worn by individuals signals “The Elder Know Me” to citizens, the community at large, and those who provide public services, goods and safety.  This person is connected to The Village of a Thousand Elders, pause your assumptions, verify.







The Village Code of Excellence:


1. I aim higher than the assumptions about my age, color, race, or gender.


2. My life has purpose.


3. There is a way to learn, do and overcome anything.


4. I will listen to the elders; they speak truth & wisdom .


5. I do not steal; In wisdom, I can have my own.


6. I have rights and responsibilities as a citizen to my family, community, country and those who provide public services & goods.


7. I dress to respect & honor The Village of a Thousand Elders.

Establish a Village!

To establish The Village of a Thousand Elders in your neighborhood or city, please contact Rev. P. Wonder Harris for more information!


The Way Ministries/Village 1000

A Wonderful Idea, LLC
P. O. Box 512
East Moline, IL 61244


Phone: +1 309 721-9684

Email: pwonder700@gmail.com

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